2019年4月3日 星期三


[課次]:翰林版B6 U2 
[使用APP]: Quizlet、Nearpod
[教學時間]:90分鐘 (2節課)


Pre-task 1:使用Quizlet Live,複習本篇文章所用到的單字。
Pre-task 2:What does stress mean to you? 使用Nearpod的Collaborate 留言板功能,學生寫下自己對壓力的看法為何,再請學生口頭分享。
Main-task 1:預測課文,請學生看著課本的圖片,使用本課所學的生字來預測課文的發展,為了讓學生能順利預測課文,老師詢問以下問題:

1. Where were these people?
2. What were the girls doing?
3. Did the boy focus on his study?
4. What did he think about?
5. What did he feel?
6. What’s the woman’s job?
7. Why there was a doctor here?
8. What did the doctor try to tell us?

Main-task 2:觀看課文影片後,完成閱讀測驗,都是open question,有六個題目,前三個用口頭回答,後三個使用Nearpod裡的open-ended question功能請學生回答,問題如下:
1. What did Jerry do in the classroom?
2. Why was Jerry stressed out?
3. Did Jerry know how to deal with stress?
4. Is stress always bad?
5. Can stress affect our bodies?

Main-task 3:Mind map。請學生再次閱讀文章後,完成心智圖,並將答案寫在學習單上。
Post-task:Let’s discuss。深入討論作者寫下的句子,寫成短文。學生探討的問題如下:
1. What did the writer mean “Stress is neither good nor bad” ? 
2. Is stress good or bad? Give us an example.


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